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Astronomical Society of Greenwich info


Astronomical Society of Greenwich Info Page

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Founded in 1985, the Astronomical Society of Greenwich is an association of amateur astronomers at all levels of expertise, affiliated with the Natural Science and Education Departments of the Bruce Museum. Our goals are:

The ASG holds a Monthly Meeting at 7:30 PM on the first Wednesday of every month, October through May (except January), at the Bruce Museum. The agenda includes ASG business, presentations of items of current interest by members, and a lecture, workshop, slide show, or other program given by a member or an outside speaker. These meetings are free and open to the public.

The ASG operates the Bowman Observatory, a facility owned and maintained by the Greenwich Board of Education, located on the grounds of the Julian Curtiss Elementary School in central Greenwich. The Observatory currently contains a 12 1/2 inch Meade reflecting telescope, and is open to the public, free of charge, on the second and fourth Tuesday night of every month, year-round (weather permitting). The ASG also staffs the Observatory for special events such as eclipses, and by appointment for school groups and other group tours.

A Monthly Newsletter is mailed to all members and contains meeting announcements, calendar of events, and current astronomy news.

The ASG website contains the Monthly Newsletter, Bowman Observatory information, educational astronomy news, and links to relevant sites.

ASG dues are $15.00 per year for adults, $5 for students. The ASG also asks all members to have a current membership (any level) in The Bruce Museum, which has provided the ASG with a meeting place, mailing facilities, etc. since its' founding.


The ASG's opening of the Observatory for the education and benefit of the public continues under the auspices of Greenwich Continuing Education. GCE offers a wide variety of courses for adults and we hope our members will take advantage of this essential service.

Many thanks to Former First Selectman Lash, the Greenwich Board of Education, Greenwich Continuing Education, and to all involved for their invaluable support...